Zhang Binliang

General Manager of Sinocarbon Education and
Training Ltd. Carbon Finance Expert of IFC World Bank

He used to work for The Administration Centre of China’s Agenda 21, MOST since 2004, and had participated in key R&D projects of 10th and 11th FYP of MOST. He also took responsibilities of climate change related international cooperation and capacity building projects with EU commission, Development bureau of France, GIZ, Japan METI, UNDP, World Bank, and SPF etc. Hence, Mr. Zhang has over decades of working experiences in low-carbon and ETS related field. As the head of SinoCarbon’s training and cooperation department, he led China’s first systematic education program in low-carbon and ETS field in 2013. Ever since then, more than 20,000 people have been enrolled into the carbon training program by SinoCarbon.

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